Hey everybody! May flew by. This month I had the pleasure of performing at a Sondheim garden party. Everyone wore masks and there were very few people in the audience in order to stay safe during quarantine. I was so grateful to get the chance to perform again.
A picture of me singing at the Sondheim Broadway Brunch in ATX along side the amazing Adam Roberts on the keys:) Photo credit: photohouse films
On top of this, I spend the month working at Randalls and working on two online classes. When I wasn’t working, I was running! I’m excited to say I ran my first half marathon. Here are some of the lessons I learned from the experience:
For my next half marathon, I want make it a goal to train with a purpose. I ran a 10 min 11 second mile. I’d like to decrease that time to 8 minute miles. This will require alot more speed training than I’m used too! This will also require me to stretch consistently after runs and work on my core strength. I have always struggled to engage my core. I’m making it a goal to do a quick ab routine and stretch routine after each run
It’s important to get a lot of sleep (8 hours) before the race
I need to make sure I am hydrating the day before the race
I learned that eating oatmeal before a 13 mile run is a bad idea...I had horrible cramps by mile 9
The next time I do a half marathon in Texas I will start running before the sun comes out. I started my run around 8a and it was already hot. By 9a it was like 90 degrees outside!!
Books Read:
If I Die in a Combat Zone by Tim O’Brien
Eaves of Heaven by Andrew Pham
Movies Watched:
Jurassic World
The Revenant