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March 2020 Reflection

After spring break, I was only at Otterbein for a week before the school switiched to an online platform and we were forced to go home due to COVID-19. In the midst of this tough and scary time, I am deeply grateful to be with my family. Some of the highlights of the past two weeks at home include:

Walking the dogs with my mom - As we are forced to social distance, I am staying at my Dads house. This doesn’t stop me from seeing my mom. Everyday, she drives from her house to my Dad’s house so she, my brother, and I can do a social distance walk together. Their is nothing more special to me than walking with my mom. She helps me process through my emotions, we laugh at how cute our dogs are, we try but fail at making Tik Tok videos, and we enjoy the sunshine.

  • Breakfast / Dinner - Every morning I wake up and make a big breakfast. Lately I’ve been enjoying eggs, avocado toast, and greek yogurt in the mornings. Always with a cup of coffee of course! If I’m feeling really special, I’ll make chocolate chip pancakes. I’m lucky to live with a chef. Noi has been teaching Ben and I how to make some of her recipes. Everynight, around 7 or 8p, I eat a Thai dinner with my family. It’s the only time we are fully unplugged from the digital world, and I find this to be a very grounding part of my routine that I can look forward to everyday. 

  • Watching my classmates perform through zoom:)

  • Facetiming friends

  • Watching The West Wing with my brother

  • Running

  • Learning to play the E chord on the guitar

My goal for April is to write down the little moments I am grateful for each morning.

Plays read this month:

  • Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck

  • Our Town by Thorton Wilder

Movies / TV shows watched this month:

  • Star Trek: The Motion Picture

  • Spaceballs

  • Tiger King (this is a Netflix documentary series that is VERY popular at the moment)

  • Father of the Bride

  • The West Wing

My mom captured this photo of my dog Lola and I on one of our daily walks

My mom captured this photo of my dog Lola and I on one of our daily walks

I’ve been eating this for breakfast pretty much everyday. Normally with eggs as well.

I’ve been eating this for breakfast pretty much everyday. Normally with eggs as well.